Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Feedback on music video idea

‘I think the dancers will portray the narrative in a really emotional way and it will be an effective contrast between the band and what they are singing about’

‘I think the dancing idea will be unusual for the bands normal audience showing versatility of the bands image’

‘The quick close ups in some areas help make the video visually interesting for us as an audience stopping it from becoming boring’

‘I feel the mirror reflects how the couple don’t understand each others feelings fully which is a nice indication to why they are acting as they do’

Friday, 14 October 2011


All of your embedded links to google docs work! This adds an excellent dimension to your blogging in evaluation of your planning, which is sustained and detailed. There is thought and reflection throughout your blogs. I think that the blog in terms of its presentation needs to be tidied slightly and you would benefit from considering the development of your powerpoint's to include images alongside he points you make for example, in discussion of lighting and props. Second, a tighter link to media concepts would benefit your points on planning, for example with reference to mise en scene or lighting as directional or has having special effects used.
An excellent set of posts nonetheless.

Ideas For Single Cover

CD+cover+1.JPG.jpg<---this one is mine




Individually myself and my group have drawn up ideas after researching different album covers to create our own. We will later merge our ideas to create a new and final single cover for Synergy- Stay with me. 


Evaluation of storyboard

The story boarding has been a really good and helpful way of planning my music video. I feel as if I can picture the way the music video looks more and more and see what works and what doesn’t.

We have changed our idea a number of times from 3’s a crowd to synergy due to the fact that you me at six have more than three band members and 3s a crowd is already the name of a band. This meant we had to find more people to fit in our band to make them learn the music. We chose stay with me as a song as it is very narrative based which drives our push and pull relationship story between our two dance lovers. By doing a storyboard it made us see the timing for real and made us see which shots worked in certain places and which shots didn’t. We have had to change some elements about our music video and rearrange shots to make it work which has helped me a lot as it has shown me a problem before shooting and editing the final music video saving time wasting and has created a clear image in my mind. I also feel that by editing and cutting our story board I have reminded myself of all the tools and equipment in Final Cut pro and made mistakes with editing that I have learned not to make for the really thing. The main element I have found useful from the story boarding is timing, it has really given me a feel for the amount of time each shot is meant to be on for, which has made us change our mind about lots of timings making some shorter and snappier such as the close up montage and some much slower such as just before the first chorus ‘Stay with me’. I have found this very useful as I now feel much more comfortable about elements such as timing and shot positioning in my final shoot of my music video.

Editing My Story board

These images show the process of us editing our storyboard. I found this really interesting as I have managed to create a stronger image of what our final music video will look like when we have filmed it. It has reminded me of the workings of Final Cut Pro and showed me which shots work and which shots don’t work which will make me aware when we come to editing the final piece.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Small Set design changes

We have changed the background of the band to hanging bulbs and LED strip lights instead of bulb lights.
We have also added hanging bits of broken mirror to the background of the dancers to add more reflections and creativity to our piece.
We have also talked about a smoke machine to give low layer of smoke 'a dry ice carpet' to create a more daring and mysterious element for our audience.

Set design elements

Our original design elements
-         Bulb lighting background for the band
-         Broken mirror to film dancers in
-         Outside for the couple to have a fight in
-         A black box room for silhouettes of dancers